Cadence News

Empowering Healthcare: Cadence’s Impact at ESMO, Madrid

By Hailey Ingraham November 14, 2023 7 min read

Event Cadence remains dedicated to providing cutting-edge event technology solutions, particularly in the healthcare sector. Recently, our team had the privilege to assist customers at the ESMO Medical Congress in Madrid, Spain. This significant event served as an opportunity for us to showcase our expertise, supporting the pharmaceutical industry and contributing to advancements in medical research and treatments.

Behind the Scenes: Managing Engagements

Our involvement at the ESMO Congress was nothing short of substantial. We extended our unwavering support to three esteemed pharmaceutical giants: Daiichi-Sankyo, Merck, and Sanofi. A collective of 18 dedicated team members represented each of these companies, working diligently on-site for a total of four full days, including weekends, from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Throughout the event, our team managed an impressive tally of 1,366 confirmed meetings, efficiently coordinating these discussions across 41 rooms.

The meticulous planning and execution of these meetings were the backbone of our contribution to the success of the congress. Our team orchestrated these interactions seamlessly, ensuring that each engagement was optimized to foster collaboration and progress within the medical community.

Beyond Business: Uniting as a Team in Madrid

In addition to our professional endeavors at the congress, we embraced the opportunity to gather as a team in the vibrant city of Madrid. Our team rendezvoused for a delightful evening, commencing with a reception held on a rooftop, where all the Event Cadence team members enjoyed hors d’oeuvres and drinks. Following this, we embarked on an unforgettable experience at a speakeasy, indulging in the lively essence of Madrid with flamenco dancers, a caricature artist, and more.

These moments outside the professional realm provided our team with an opportunity to bond, fostering camaraderie that further fortifies our collective mission.

A Testament to Dedication and Collaboration

The ESMO Medical Congress was a testament to the unwavering dedication of our team and the collaboration between Event Cadence and the esteemed pharmaceutical companies. The strategic planning and execution ensured that each meeting, discussion, and presentation contributed significantly to the advancement of medical research and the pharmaceutical landscape.

By leveraging our advanced event technology solutions, we facilitated an environment where healthcare professionals and pharmaceutical companies could engage, exchange valuable insights, and explore potential collaborations. These interactions were pivotal in shaping the future of medical research and development.

Driving Tangible Results

Our commitment to excellence reaped substantial rewards for our customers. Through our meticulous planning and advanced event technology solutions, Daiichi-Sankyo, Merck, and Sanofi left the ESMO Congress with invaluable outcomes. They not only optimized their presence at the event but also witnessed a measurable increase in engagement, leads, and brand visibility.

Proof in Numbers

  • Three pharmaceutical giants

  • 18 team members

  • 1,366 confirmed meetings

  • 41 managed rooms

The success achieved at the ESMO Congress is a testament to the power of innovative event technology and personalized support. It reflects our unwavering dedication to empowering our customers, enabling them to leave an indelible mark on the landscape of medical advancements and treatments.

Looking Ahead

As the ESMO Congress draws to a close, we extend our sincere gratitude to our customers and partners for entrusting us with their visions. The success achieved in Madrid is just the beginning. We eagerly anticipate future collaborations, committed to pushing the boundaries of medical congress technology and continuing our support for the advancement of healthcare on a global scale.

About Cadence

Built for the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry, Event Cadence is an all-in-one, comprehensive medical congress platform that empowers your teams to succeed. We’re the trusted choice of the pharmaceutical industry, because we provide the tools for seamless alignment between colleagues and healthcare practitioners. Contact us to learn more.

Hailey Ingraham
Hailey Ingraham
Hailey is the Lead of Marketing Operations at Cadence. She is known for her creative copywriting and her bubbly, optimistic personality. Her dream event is a beach music festival with lots of dancing, and she'll never get tired of listening to anything by Harry Styles.
Hailey is the Lead of Marketing Operations at Cadence. She is known for her creative copywriting and her bubbly, optimistic personality. Her dream event is a beach music festival with lots of dancing, and she'll never get tired of listening to anything by Harry Styles.